We are working for the sake of HUMANITY and School Chartered is the main source to bring this concept into reality. Brain Chamber Research Team has invented the School Chartered system with the aim of long term change in the educational system, so its not a software, not a product, but its a post added to your school just like any other posts in the schools/institute. This is a post of honor, work, and authority. He/she will be the trusted person in your school where you can give all the rights and authorities to him and he will not misuse them, because he will be there for deliverance and just for work. He is not interested in any share holding pattern of the school. Next to School chartered another Assistant School Chartered will be placed to carry out the smooth functioning of the school without any kind of hindrance. Many schools are not having trusted director body and values to keep the concerned school for a long term basis, in that case the School Chartered will work for deliverance. School Chartered has special rights of handling software specially made for concerned school. Along with his duties he will bring the entire school on one desktop. With the help of School Chartered technical team, the said software algorithm is developed by Brain Chamber research team. Team has developed this software adhering to all school norms and structure. The special research team having experience in critical approach of finance and operations is responsible for conceptualization of the said software. The School Chartered will monitor the finance, operations, specially trained chartered accountant, technical team and SUVA-UDAY education project.
Section of candidates for SUVA - UDAY Education Project is a prime authority of School chartered.
Qualification and experience of the School chartered will be amongst the most reputed institutes and environment. He will be the man more inclined towards the feeling of compassion and equilibrium.